What Is Adult Orthodontic All About?

Teeth alignment is not only important for the aesthetics of your smile, but it can also have a positive effect on your overall health. Having misaligned teeth can cause several issues that range from minor to serious. Some of these problems include speech problems, infection, gum disease, teeth grinding, and sensitive teeth.  Misaligned teeth can be corrected through adult orthodontics Carmichael.

Adult orthodontic treatment corrects misalignment of teeth or bites that affects your comfort, appearance, or ability to chew or speak. You may have a gap between your teeth, crooked teeth, or other issues that make you feel self-conscious about your smile.

Below are dental problems corrected through adult orthodontics:

Crooked teeth

Crooked teeth are caused by several factors, including genetics and trauma during childhood. While crooked teeth can be corrected with braces, this is usually an option for patients under the age of 18.

Adult orthodontics uses clear aligners to straighten teeth in adults. The aligners are worn daily for two weeks at a time and can be removed for eating or cleaning. After 20 days of treatment, new aligners are ordered to progress your treatment plan.

Poor smile

Your smile is more than a fashion statement since it is among the features most people will remember about you after they have met you. It says a lot about who you are and how confident you are with yourself. If you want to improve your smile, then you should consider getting an adult orthodontic treatment.

Corrects misaligned jaw

A misaligned jaw can lead to problems like TMJ (temporomandibular joint) syndrome or TMD (temporomandibular disorder). This can cause pain, headache, and difficulty in chewing. Adult orthodontic treatment can help with the alignment of your teeth and jaws.

Treating overbites and underbites

An overbite occurs when the upper jaw and teeth protrude beyond the lower jaw and teeth. An underbite is when the lower jaw and teeth protrude past the upper jaw and teeth. Adult orthodontics can treat these conditions by aligning your bite or moving your teeth into place.

Reducing teeth crowding

Crowding occurs when there aren’t enough spaces for all of your teeth to fit comfortably together. Adult orthodontics can correct this problem by moving your teeth into their proper positions so that they have room for growth as well as function properly with each other.

TMJ disorder

Orthodontic treatment may also be necessary if you have problems with your jaw joint or TMJ disorder (also called temporomandibular joint disorder). This condition causes pain and dysfunction in your jaw joint, which can lead to headaches and difficulty chewing, talking, or sleeping. Orthodontic treatment can correct these problems by moving your teeth into a more natural position so they fit together better.

Difficulty chewing foods

Orthodontics may also benefit people who have difficulty chewing tough foods because of spacing problems between their teeth. For example, people who have had orthodontic treatment as children often need to wear braces again as adults to maintain the space between their teeth after their permanent adult teeth come in.

For help with misaligned teeth, schedule a consultation today with Gaiduchik Orthodontics.