What You Need to Know About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a group of symptoms and signs triggered by regular pressurizing of the median nerve. The median nerve, which cuts across the carpal tunnel, is essential for enabling the movement of your hand, wrist, and forearm. Tampa regenerative medicine can assist in reducing inflammation and pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Below are a few things you must learn about this common hand problem.

Causes of median nerve compression

Remember that the carpal tunnel is a narrow passage in your wrist. It allows the median nerve to pass through, delivering signals for your thumbs and fingers to move and feel. Excess pressure on the median nerve over a long time will lead to its enlargement or swelling.

You are more at risk of a compressed or pressured median nerve if you have any form of arthritis. Common conditions linked to joint inflammations include rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

If you carry a child in your womb, you will likely also have carpel tunnel syndrome. Pregnancy makes your body have added weight, and there is more retention of fluids due to hormone activities. All these situations can lead to the squeezing of the median nerve, which causes carpal tunnel syndrome.

Also, if you have a fracture in your wrist, the resulting fragments of bones can strain the median nerve. Wrist bones at the bottom and a ligament on top protect the median nerve and the carpal tunnel.

Conditions similar to carpal tunnel syndrome

Some conditions usually produce signs and symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. These conditions, including gout and other joint inflammation causes, can also make you feel pain and discomfort in your fingers and hands.

As a result, if you have aching fingers or hands, you should straightaway seek the diagnosis of the problem. The condition can be diagnosed using the Tinel’s sign, X-ray scans, or Phalen’s maneuver.

Phalen’s maneuver or test was named after an American hand surgeon called George S. Phalen. It involves putting your wrists in a manner that squeezes or compresses them to detect a carpal tunnel issue.

Treatment options for the carpal tunnel syndrome

Often, your surgeon can recommend you try relieving pressure from the carpal tunnel by relying on non-surgical remedies. These remedies include wearing a wrist splint, giving your hand enough rest, and using medications.

For instance, the medications you use can help reduce the ability of the body to retain fluids and relieve inflammation. Moreover, wearing a wrist or hand splint helps put your hand in a neutral, safe position.

If your carpal tunnel syndrome produces symptoms that appear to last forever, your doctor can also use regenerative medicine.

Regenerative medicine relies on the capability of your cells to repair or replace themselves. As a result, regenerative medicine is relatively safer than surgery. Common regenerative treatments are platelet-rich plasma and stem cell therapies.

PRP therapy involves putting plasma with a higher-than-normal content of platelets into the area affected by median nerve inflammation. The regenerative capabilities of platelets allow them to repair the tissues and ligaments, exerting strain on the median nerve.

Contact LeHeal Biogenix today to schedule an appointment with a specialist in regenerative medicine.