What Are the Common Symptoms of  Shoulder Injury

According to statistics, millions of Americans annually seek medical treatment for shoulder injuries related to accidents and sports trauma. You use your shoulder for many activities, including the simple things you never think about until you get a shoulder injury. Seeking the proper medical care for the common symptom of a cumming shoulder injury is important for feeling better, relieving pain, and preventing more joint damage. Here is a look at the common symptoms of a shoulder injury you should be aware of.

Shoulder Stiffness

A shoulder injury can affect your shoulder movements. If the injury affects your rotator cuff, the muscles and tendons that keep your shoulder joint in place, you might experience shoulder stiffness when lifting your arm. Shoulder stiffness might also come with other symptoms, such as swelling and tenderness. However, shoulder stiffness can also result from conditions such as arthritis.

Shoulder, Back, Arm, or Neck Pain

Your shoulder is a ball and socket joint where three bones meet; a shoulder blade, an arm bone, and a collarbone. The joint also includes ligaments, tendons, and muscles that work together to support pain-free, normal movements. Because the shoulder structures are interconnected, if the shoulder is injured, you may end up experiencing pain in the joint itself or other areas, such as your upper back, arm, or neck. You might feel the pain only when moving your shoulder, arm, or all the time.

Tenderness, Swelling, or Bruising

Some shoulder injuries can result in visible symptoms like bruising and swelling tenderness on the shoulder joint. If you are experiencing any visible symptoms, the shoulder injury is likely external, affecting the external soft and muscle tissues that surround the joint. However, if the swelling and bruising are accompanied by pain, there is a higher probability that the injury affects the joint structure.

Arm Weakness

Shoulder injuries affecting your muscles, tendons, or nerves can affect your arm movement differently. It can sometimes cause arm weakness, particularly when trying to lift your arm or lift something over your head. Arm weakness can, however, be linked to other medical problems, such as neuromuscular issues. Your doctor will perform various tests to diagnose the precise cause of arm weakness and recommend the best treatment.

Decreased Range of Motion

The shoulder is a flexible joint. The joint can move in different directions to help you carry out many tasks. Therefore, if you cannot rotate your shoulder or lift your arm over the head, this is a sign of shoulder injury. The decreased range of motion can negatively affect your daily activities and work occupation. The common treatment plans for restoring your normal range of motion include physical therapy after the injury is healed.

Ultimately, the signs of shoulder injury can vary based on the type of injury and its severity. However, the common thing for all shoulder injuries is that they best respond to early and timely treatments. Therefore, if you are experiencing any of the above-reviewed shoulder injury symptoms, don’t ignore the symptoms or wait for them to get severe. Instead, you should seek early medical treatment.