Top 5 Reasons Why You Should See A Dermatologist

Your skin is the very first line of defense for the body. As such, the skin takes a lot of beating as it protects your body from germs, sunlight, and other harmful environmental elements. Besides, the skin covers the nerves, blood vessels, and body organs. Therefore, if you are not comfortable with your skin, you should not hesitate to visit a dermatologist. So, who do you settle with? Dr. William Long New York combines science with proven medical, laser, and surgical treatments to offer safe and effective treatments. Here are some reasons to consider visiting a dermatologist.

1. Acne and Acne Scarring

One of the most common skin concerns is acne, which results in scarring if not treated. Once the skin secretes excessive sebum, the pores become clogged, causing acne. Genes, bacteria, and specific environmental conditions could also be responsible for developing acne.

While acne is not a life-threatening condition, it can cause emotional distress. Thus, receiving acne and acne scar therapy is vital. Some common procedures your dermatologist may suggest include medications, laser resurfacing, and chemical peels.

2. Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin condition resulting from your immune system’s sudden overproduction of skin cells. These cells accumulate on the scalp, causing patches known as plaques. These patches could be painful, itchy, and in varying colors and often develop on the elbow, knees, and bottom of your feet.

See a dermatologist if you identify warning signs of psoriasis. Your specialist will examine your skin under a microscope to diagnose your conditions. Medications and procedures that suppress your immunity could help treat psoriasis.

3. Premature Aging

Aging is natural, but premature aging is not. Premature aging is often the outcome of exposure to UV radiation, stress, smoking, sedentary living, and some medications that cause premature skin aging. Typical premature aging signs include age spots, dry skin, fine lines, wrinkles, and many more.

Talk to your dermatologist if these premature aging signs make you self-conscious about your appearance. Your specialist can help improve skin tone, elasticity, and texture through fillers, Botox, laser therapy, and chemical peels.

4. Hair Loss

If you identify rapid thinning hair, bald patches, or hair loss, you should immediately consult a dermatologist. Common causes of hair loss include pregnancy, stress, sun exposure, and specific health conditions like sleep apnea.

Your physician will diagnose the reason for your hair loss with a scalp or blood test. Some alternatives your specialist can explore to restore hair development include hair growth therapy, PRP hair loss treatment, and dandruff treatment.

5. Hyperpigmentation

Dark patches, sunspots, dark spots, and age spots are all common skin concerns. This uneven skin pigmentation, known as hyperpigmentation, often develops because the skin overproduces melanin. Common causes of this issue include sunlight exposure, inflammation, hormones, aging, and skin trauma.

Your dermatologist will identify the root cause of this issue and suggest the most appropriate care plan to even your skin tone. Typical solutions for hyperpigmentation include acne scar reduction and pigmentation therapy.

You deserve to look and feel good about your skin. Unfortunately, premature aging, psoriasis, acne, and hyperpigmentation are all common skin concerns that can affect your skin’s appearance. While some conditions cause mild symptoms and often disappear after some time, others could be serious and affect your everyday life. If you have a skin issue that does not respond to over-the-counter solutions like topical lotions, creams, and medications, you should consider visiting a dermatologist. Your dermatologist will provide an extensive diagnosis and individualized care plan.