How to Deal With Dry Eyes

Your eyes have a lubricating mechanism that produces tears and lubricants that keep them healthy. However, sometimes you may experience eye dryness due to the lack of tear secretion. Dry eyes Edgewater becomes irritable as insufficient liquid lubricates and promotes eye movements. Moreover, the tears remove any solids and dust particles that enter the eye. Moreover, the tears promote better eyesight, but you may develop dryness if you use your computer for an extended time due to illnesses. Here are tips to overcome dry eyes.

Avoid Using the Computer for an Extended Time

Using computers and phones for an extended time contributes to eye dryness, and you should avoid using these devices for an extended time. The devices keep your eyes stationary as it limits movement. You would focus on a single spot for an extended time, making it impossible to activate the tear glands.

Additionally, the devices produce blue light, which affects eyesight. Blue light might cause insomnia as it affects the normal sleep cycle. The lack of sleep may contribute to worsening dry eyes, leading to an endless circle of discomfort. You will avoid using the devices an hour before bed to deal with insomnia. In some cases, you may need light therapy, where you expose yourself to the early sun rays or artificial light to reset your sleep pattern.

You Should Take Breaks from Work

Sometimes it may be difficult to avoid using the devices at work, but you should take breaks whenever possible. When working for one hour, you will look away from the computer after every 20 minutes. You may focus on far-away objects for five minutes and return to the computer frequently. Alternatively, you can take a break and go outside, where you are exposed to natural light, which promotes the eyes’ health.

Deal With the Underlying Cause

Sometimes dry eyes may cause an allergic reaction to dust, pollen, and animal dander. Thus you should deal with the allergy and avoid exposing yourself to allergies. Alternatively, you may see an optometrist who will diagnose the underlying eye health issue and offer the right solution to increase tear production.

Use Eye Drops

Sometimes the dry eyes could improve with eye drops. The eye drops will increase the production of tears and lubricate the eyes. This might be a short-term remedy if you use computers and other devices at work for an extended time.

Use Glasses

Although dry eyes might not be related to bad vision, you may need glasses to keep the eyes healthy. The glasses will filter the UV rays and blue light from the devices, reducing dryness. Moreover, it can prevent allergens from reaching the eyes and promote tear production

Using computers for an extended time leads to dryness and eye issues such as poor vision. It may result from exposure to the blue light from the devices and UV rays; thus, you may wear glasses that filter the light. Alternatively, you could take breaks from work and expose the eyes to the natural light or look away from the computer after every 20 minutes. You could treat the underlying issues, such as allergies, and opt for eye drops that lubricate the eyes.