Exercise can help women endure childbirth more easily

When pregnancy arrives, many women who were previously quite active try to avoid physical activity. This is wrong. If there are no contraindications, moderate sport is necessary to maintain good health. By the way, Spanish scientists recently discovered that physical activity helps to facilitate childbirth. Being active during the whole pregnancy contributes to reducing the time of labor and avoiding epidural anesthesia.

Why Exercise?

Exercise increases physical stability and supports the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems. Being active has a good effect on your metabolism. Light aerobic exercises, walking and other types of physical activity contribute to an easy pregnancy and childbirth, and also help to avoid complications after the birth of the baby.

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An active pregnancy is also beneficial for the fetus. Physical activity improves blood circulation and cell nutrition. The baby will get more oxygen and nutrients, which means it will develop properly. Active lifestyle promotes good health, helps to cope with toxicities and malaise.

Sports that are not allowed during pregnancy

Of course, not all sports are allowed in such a crucial period of life. Still, it is worth remembering that at this stage you need to take care of your body. You should not engage in traumatic and extreme sports. Activities such as skydiving, skiing, horseback riding, running, dancing can only harm the fetus and the mother herself. Also avoid exercises that involve stretching the abdominal muscles and sudden movements.

It is worth remembering that any physical activity is contraindicated during a threatened miscarriage. During this period, a woman is prescribed bed rest, violation of which is strictly prohibited. Go back to active life will only be possible when the doctor is convinced that the threat is over.

What is useful for pregnant women to do?

To begin with, if you were actively involved in sports before pregnancy, then continue in the same spirit during pregnancy. If you previously had a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, then you should introduce sports gradually. Start with walking, they are very useful during pregnancy. It is good if it will be a walk in the park, close to nature. Remember, you need to walk in comfortable shoes and dress for the season.

The most popular types of port during pregnancy:

  • yoga
  • swimming
  • pilates
  • light aerobics
  • gymnastics

When exercising, you should listen to your body. Physical activity should bring pleasure. If you feel sick, dizzy, headache or any other discomfort, you should immediately stop exercising. The best period for exercising port during pregnancy is the second trimester. In the eighth month, active exercise should be stopped and limited to walking.