5 Skin Care Habits that Will Clear Your Acne

Everyone has, at one point in their life, experienced acne. It is a common condition that clogs the skin’s pores, causing blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, and even cysts. It can occur on your face, chest area, forehead, shoulders, and upper back. They can range from mild to chronic in different individuals. Depending on your acne severity, the dermatologist Washington, DC, treatments are integrative to enhance the health of your skin. For you to get the best results from your treatments, your dermatologist may recommend that you stick to these habits.

1. Choose the Right Skin Care

Go for mild, alcohol-free skin care products. Keep off the products that can irritate your skin, such as toners, astringents, and exfoliants. Even though commercials will tell you the importance of exfoliation, exfoliating acne-prone skin will only worsen the situation. This will result in inflammation and more bumps. Moreover, the products will leave your skin dry and aggravate your acne.

2. Keep your skin clean

Washing your face twice daily reduces inflammation and helps clear bacteria associated with acne formation. A gentle, non-abrasive cleanser will do the work. Apply the cleanser on your fingertips and slather it on your face using a circular motion. Avoid using scrubbing cloths and sponges since they will irritate the skin.

3. Keep your hands off your face

While it can be tempting to pop and squeeze your acne, doing so increases the risk of scarring. Moreover, this makes the acne take a long time to clear due to dark spots and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. If your acne is deep and causing you pain, see a dermatologist.

4. Stick to your treatments

You might want to see the results of your acne treatment done by an acne doctor immediately. However, it does not always work that way. Even though this can be discoursing, it is recommended that you stick to your treatment long enough to see results. Some skin care products will take at least four weeks to yield noticeable results. Ditching your products for new ones every week will only reduce their efficacy. Moreover, this might irritate your skin and cause more breakouts.

5. Stay out of the sun and tanning beds

Tanning increases your risk of skin cancer and can worsen your acne. If you are on an acne treatment plan, keep out of the sun since the medications make your skin sensitive to UV rays, and this can aggravate your acne. If you must enjoy the sun, ensure that your body is well covered to protect it from damaging UV rays. A broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of over 30 will also come in handy to enhance your protection.

If you have been through a consistent skincare routine and your acne doesn’t seem to improve, you are not alone. Acne is a common skin condition that can affect people of all ages. It has many triggers and can persist for decades in some individuals. The good news is that by adopting healthy skin care habits, you will be able to prevent your acne from worsening or recurring. Making an effort to prevent acne flare makes the condition more manageable, even for persistent acne.