When to See Your Doctor About Pelvic Pain

While it is normal to have occasional pelvic pain, it should be a cause of alarm when it becomes frequent and severe. You can seek pelvic pain evaluation and treatment from the best Edinburg gynecology services to help improve your daily life. Different treatment options are available for your pelvic pain.

Your pelvis is the part between your abdomen and vaginal opening. It includes different body organs and structures like nerves, bladder, reproductive organs, and rectum. Your pelvic pain can arise from issues associated with these areas.

You can experience pain during your periods, sex, urination, and during bowel movements. The pain can be sharp, dull, continuous, or intermittent. Whatever type of pain you experience, let your doctor know.


Pelvic pain can occur depending on the body part with an issue. That said, the following are common causes of pelvic pain.

  • Ovulation
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Miscarriage
  • Sexually transmitted disease
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Endometriosis
  • Digestive problems


Your specialist can examine your pelvis using ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computerized tomography (CT) scans. Other tests can include laparoscopic techniques, which use a camera to display images of your pelvic structures and tissues on a screen. Your specialist can check for any abnormalities before recommending a course of treatment.

Treatment options

Your treatment approach will depend on the cause of your pelvic pain. After an accurate diagnosis and your specialist finds the source of your pain, they might recommend the most suitable treatment. For example, if your pelvic pain is from uterine fibroids, your doctor might suggest surgery to remove them to promote your health and fertility.

Other treatment options include medication and lifestyle changes, including a proper diet and an exercise regimen. You can use antibiotics and pain medication to ease the pain and discomfort. Diet is crucial, especially if your pelvic pain stems from a digestive problem. Healthy foods that promote gut health can help you improve your digestive system.

Physical therapy or an exercise regimen can help improve blood flow and flexibility of your pelvic structures. Tight pelvic muscles can affect your movement. The stretches and exercises can help stretch and lengthen your pelvic muscles, improving flexibility and strength.

When to see a doctor?

You should consider three factors concerning pelvic pain; its intensity, frequency, and whether it prevents you from performing your daily duties. If your pelvic pain has one or all of the above characteristics, it might be time for an evaluation.

Although you might experience occasional pelvic pain, sometimes its intensity and frequency can increase. If you usually have pain during your period, watch out for pelvic pain if you are not menstruating. Check for the frequency and intensity; if it feels unusual, contact your doctor for evaluation.

If you have severe and frequent pelvic pain that hinders your daily activities, visit the Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley for treatment. You will meet qualified and experienced specialists who can offer personalized treatment after comprehensive diagnostic services. Call or book an appointment online and improve your quality of life.