What You Should Know About Breast Augmentation Procedures

 Breast augmentation is a surgical technique used to improve the breast’s size, shape, or fullness. Your Fort Worth cosmetic surgeon inserts silicone, saline, or alternative composite breast implants behind the chest muscles or breast tissue. The implant lasts an average of 7 to 12 years. Before deciding on breast augmentation, it’s critical to thoroughly study and understand the benefits and disadvantages of each option by consulting a board-certified plastic surgeon.

The different types of breast augmentation

Breast implants and fat transfer augmentation are the two main types of breast augmentation. The most common kind of breast augmentation is breast implants, and they include the following:

  1. Saline breast implants: These kinds of implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water). If the implant bursts inside your breast, your body will absorb the saline and eliminate it normally.
  2. Structured saline breast implants: These types of implants contain an interior structure that makes the implant seem more natural and are filled with sterile saline (salt water).
  3. Silicone breast implants: These implants are composed of silicone gel. The gel may remain within the shell or flow into your breast if the implant ruptures. If you have silicone implants, you may require to see your plastic surgeon frequently to ensure they function correctly.

Moreover, the second common type of breast augmentation is fat transfer. During this procedure, your surgeon will use liposuction to remove fat from another part of your body and inject it into your breasts. This form of augmentation is typically used for those who seek a minor increase in breast size.

Preparing for your breast augmentation surgery

It’s critical to follow your specialist’s instructions before your operation. Following these instructions will help the procedure go more smoothly and will assist you in healing correctly. Also, you should have someone drive you home following your operation, and someone stay with you at least the first night in case an emergency arises.

Additionally, you will require at least three days off from work, so plan appropriately. If you have a labor-intensive profession, you will certainly need to take at least three weeks off work. Your surgeon may have you do the following in preparation for your breast augmentation surgery:

  • Obtain a blood test.
  • Take specific prescriptions or make changes to your current meds.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Avoid certain meals and beverages.
  • Avoid using aspirin and some anti-inflammatory medicines since they might cause excessive bleeding.
  • Stop taking recreational drugs.

Can you breastfeed after breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery can cause nerve and duct damage, interfering with breastfeeding. Breast implants put below your muscle generally have a lower impact on milk production than implants placed above your muscle. Surgical cuts near your areola are more likely to reduce milk supply. If you want to breastfeed in the future, you should consult with your plastic surgeon before undergoing breast augmentation.

Breast augmentation is a common cosmetic operation with excellent satisfaction rates. Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon about your desires, requirements, and concerns. You and your doctor will decide on the best type of augmentation and procedure for you. Call Kiran Polavarapu, MD, or book your consultation online to determine the ideal breast augmentation procedures.