What You Need to Know about Chronic Pain

Limited strength and range of motion are classic symptoms of chronic pain due to arthritis or following an injury. You might not enjoy activities you used to enjoy because of pain and joint and muscle stiffness. If you experience such painful symptoms for more than three months, you can turn to Dr. Garen Gajian, for various chronic pain treatments.

Whether you have migraines, fibromyalgia, or joint pain, Dr. Gajian will carefully evaluate your condition and symptoms before creating a suitable treatment plan.

Causes of chronic pain

Chronic pain can affect a person of any age and gender, especially because it has various causes, which include traumatic injuries, surgery, cancer, arthritis, musculoskeletal problems, and migraine headaches. That said, you are at higher risk of chronic pain if you are overweight, play sports, or have a history of accidents or injuries.

Treatment options  

Your treatment for chronic pain will vary depending on the cause. For example, you might benefit more from joint injections while someone else will get relief using over-the-counter medication. Common treatment methods include lifestyle adjustments, including diet and exercise, radiofrequency procedures, major joint injections, and sympathetic nerve blocks.

How to manage chronic pain at home

If you don’t manage chronic pain, it can adversely affect your health and quality of life because of limited movement, leading to unnecessary weight gain and poor work performance. You can incorporate the following lifestyle tips to manage chronic pain.


Although you might experience limited movement with chronic pain, exercise will help you remain somewhat flexible. Your doctor might not recommend sitting down or sleeping because of chronic pain. Doing so will only worsen your condition. To alleviate your symptoms, you need to engage in light activities that your body can allow, like brisk walking and stretching exercises.

Eat a healthy balanced diet

Your diet has a direct impact on your joints. It can cause or reduce inflammation in your joints. Your doctor will suggest consuming unprocessed foods like fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. If your diet consists of foods with added sugars and saturated fats, you are more likely to experience painful and inflamed joints.

Massage therapy

Pain causes your muscles to stiffen, leading to more pain. You might benefit from massage therapy by manipulating your muscles which leads to relaxation. Your massage therapist will identify specific areas of your body and focus their attention to provide relief. Ensure to get plenty of rest after a massage session to reap maximum benefits.

Avoid alcohol and smoking

Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in your blood, worsening your chronic pain. Alcohol interferes with your sleeping pattern and increases pain. It is crucial to avoid smoking and alcohol to ensure that you get better sleep and improved blood circulation.

If you have chronic pain due to arthritis or following an injury, visit Dr. Gajian of Pain & Anesthesia Care for treatment. Dr. Gajian and his team will evaluate your symptoms and pain before offering the most suitable treatment plan. Call or schedule your appointment online to improve the quality of your life.