What to Expect from Your Skin Tightening Appointment

Aging, weight loss, or childbearing can lead to saggy skin, which can be frustrating and affect your self-esteem. Whether you have loose skin on your abdomen or neck, skin tightening Forest Hills can help you achieve younger-looking skin free from wrinkles. The procedure uses a procedure called Exilis Ultra which uses radiofrequency energy to shrink your fat cells and contract your skin.

Which body parts can benefit from skin tightening?

The Exilis Ultra treatment can address loose skin in the following parts of your body:

  • Neck
  • Torso
  • Arms
  • Hands
  • Thighs

What does the process entail?

During the treatment, your dermatologist will apply a numbing agent to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Once the anesthetic has taken effect, your specialist will use a handheld device and run it across the treatment area. Although the process is painless, you might feel similar sensations to a hot stone massage.

The Exilis Ultra treatment releases radiofrequency energy to the treatment area and stimulates collagen and elastin production. The two proteins are essential in tightening, firming, and making your skin smooth because they fill up any hollow areas. The process can take 30-45 minutes, and you might need more than one treatment for outstanding results.

Since it is a non-invasive outpatient treatment, you will not require downtime. You can resume work or your daily routine after the treatment. Your specialist might encourage a healthy and active lifestyle to help you maintain your results.

Benefits of the treatment

The Exilis Ultra treatment has numerous benefits, including smoother and supple-looking skin. After several treatments, you can fit into clothes because the shrinkage of fat cells can help you lose a few inches. Such a transformation can help boost your self-esteem and increase your confidence.

The treatment ensures quick recovery because it is non-invasive, and no surgery techniques are used. With skin tightening surgery, you might need a week to help you recover because of incisions and pain management. The Exilis Ultra technique requires zero downtime, and you can return to work on the same day.

When radiofrequency energy targets your fat and skin cells, it makes them contract, showing your muscle definition beneath the fatty layer.

The skin tightening procedure is painless, and you might not require painkillers after the treatment. If you undergo surgery to tighten loose skin, you will need medication to help you deal with the pain.

How many treatments do you need?

During the consultation, your specialist will discuss your needed treatments. They will recommend the number of treatments depending on the areas of your body that require treatment, the severity of your skin’s laxity, age, and goals. Keep in mind that the interval between treatments is about 7-10 days for an effective outcome.

If you have loose skin on your abdomen or other body parts, visit Adult and Pediatric Dermatology for a skin tightening procedure. The available dermatologists will evaluate your skin and recommend a suitable skin tightening plan. Call or book your appointment online to experience visible results and improved skin appearance.