What Causes a Sprain?

A sprain is a type of injury that occurs when a ligament in your joint becomes stretched or torn. The ligament is the elastic band of connective tissue, which helps keep bones and joints together. Sprains usually happen to the area around the site of the ankle, knee, elbow, wrist, or neck.

Some sprain injuries may not cause any immediate symptoms but can lead to long-term complications if left untreated. So, knowing what causes a yakima sprain can help you treat it properly and prevent future ones.

Some of the most common causes of a sprain are:

  1. Twisting or turning suddenly

A sprain may occur when you twist or turn suddenly and do not have enough time to adjust your foot or body before the action is taken. This causes the ankle, knee, wrist, or neck to overextend, which leads to injury. 

  1. Poor conditioning

Being out of shape or not physically fit enough for a strenuous activity can cause a sprain. If you are not able to support your body well when you run or play sports, it is more likely that you will injure yourself.

  1. Genetics

Your genetics may play a role in your risk of suffering a sprain. One or more of your parents may have suffered from an ankle injury that led to a sprain. Some genes may be more likely to cause a sprained ankle than others, so you are at greater risk for developing the condition.

  1. Improper footwear

Wearing high heels, flip-flops, or running shoes with poor traction may result in a sprain. It is important that you wear footwear that provides enough support for the movement in question. It should also provide enough cushioning to help prevent injury.

  1. Overexertion

If you overexert yourself while exercising or playing sports that require strong muscular action, then this can lead to a sprain. Also, if you are not properly warming up before exercise or doing your stretches correctly, this may also result in sprain injuries.

  1. Trauma

A sprain may occur if you fall while walking or running and do not have enough time to adjust your foot or body before impact with the ground. Sometimes you may overextend your ankle by stepping on an uneven surface like a rock or step. This is another common cause of a sprain.