Top Herniated Disc Risk Factors

Arm, foot, leg, and back pain, weakness, numbness, tingling, or burning sensation are among the common herniated disc symptoms. A herniated disc may sometimes cause no symptoms or result in mild concerns considering the irritation level caused to the nearby nerves. Herniated disc Houston occurs when the inner soft jellylike material seeps or pushes through the rubbery exterior. Disc herniation can develop anywhere but mostly impact the lower back. The problem is due to wear and tear as you age. Degeneration impacts their flexibility and makes discs susceptible to raptures and tears following minor twits or strain. Besides aging, the other common disc herniation risk factors include:


If your occupation is physically demanding, including heavy lifting, twisting, bending, pushing, and pulling, you are at high risk of disc herniation. The repetitive movements put more stress on the discs, which speeds up the wear and tear. The risk is higher for individuals who do not follow the right technique, such as maintaining the proper posture, which exerts extra pressure on the discs.

Occupations like long driving hours involve little twisting. However, the long sitting hours and the motor vehicle engine vibrations result in more pressure on your spine, increasing herniation risk. Measures like regular breaks can help mitigate disc herniation risks in such occupational settings.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity exposes you to many risks, disc herniation included. When you exercise, you strengthen the muscles supporting your spine and improve flexibility. This makes it easier for the discs to function well and minimize injury chances. Physical activities do not have to be intensive. Exercises like walking or swimming can help keep your discs in better shape and mitigate herniation risk.

Excess weight

Excess weight puts more stress on your discs. This is more so on your lower back. The extra pressure can speed up discs wear, resulting in tears and ruptures under minimal stress. Weight management is vital for your joints, spine, and disc health, not to mention its impact on overall health, including mitigating chronic conditions risks.

Lifestyle habits

Smoking is among the destructive lifestyle habits that put you at high disc herniation risks. Smoking results in decreased oxygen levels. When the oxygen supply to the discs declines, they break down much faster, making them prone to tears and raptures. Other habits like excessive alcohol consumption can also impact the discs. This is because alcohol is a diuretic, increasing dehydration risks. When you are not well hydrated, the disc takes a blow. They become smaller as the fluid level drops, which results in a poor cushioning effect and can lead to disc herniation.


Disc herniation can run in families. This is primarily due to genetic concerns that put you at high risk of disc degeneration and other spinal disorders. While you can’t modify the genetic predisposition, adopting a lifestyle that helps reduce disc degeneration lowers herniation risk.

Herniated discs can impact the quality of your life, mainly when it results in considerable pain and reduced range of motion. The good news is that you can prevent herniation by understanding and mitigating the risk factors. The problem is also treatable, allowing you to keep the symptoms in check. Contact William Yancey, MD, today for more on disc herniation causes, prevention, and treatments.