The Right Time To Start Visiting San Antonio Gynecology Experts 

Just as you visit your dentist, chiropractor, general physician, and many such medical experts monthly, quarterly, or annually, you should also book an appointment with a gynecologist regularly. 

Aurora OB/GYN in San Antonio is one of the most preferred gynecology centers for many things, such as weight loss, menopause, hysterectomy, pregnancy, periodic screening, avoiding pregnancy, getting pregnant, etc. You can also check their webpage for any such required information. 

Visiting Gynecologists 

Women think about visiting their gynecologist when they need contraceptive counseling, getting pregnant, after conceiving, and for some period problems. Apart from these reasons, they should regularly see their doctors on a schedule of 6 to 12 months. 

The visit to the female experts starts when a girl hits puberty or reaches 16 years old. Here, they can learn everything about their body, including the benefits of safe sex and the dangers of unsafe sex. Some women who are sexually active even after completing 21 years are strictly suggested to visit their gynecologist. 

Until they reach 35 to 40 years old, women can visit the experts for some strong reasons. However, the visit should be periodic after they complete 40 years and always be noticed. 

  • The first appointment to a gynecologist starts when a girl reaches 16. 
  • The next visit can be any time since then and should be a strict routine when you are not sexually active and need help. 
  • Suppose your sex life starts before or at the age of 21. In that case, it is strictly suggested to visit the gynecologist to keep your feminine parts hygienic, clean, and away from the development of some disorders. 
  • The visits should always be completed even after you reach 29 years. 

Women with the best health per their routine health checkups should visit their gynecologist only when required. The reasons can be a painful period, conception, miscarriage, complicated pregnancy, regular contraceptive shots or pills, etc. If there are some abnormalities with the reproductive system, then the visit should strictly be as suggested by the experts. 

The first visit to a gynecologist will include tests like a pap smear, pelvic exam, and the requirement of some other tests and investigations to make sure that everything is healthy. These tests also conclude whether there are some developments of abnormal cells in the form of precancerous or tumor-like growth. 

You should make an immediate appointment with your gynecologist when you feel lumps in your breast, discharge or soreness. The same goes for vaginal discharges, clots between periods, painful urination or painful sex life, etc.