How You Can Get Rid Of Varicose Veins

Most people hate varicose veins because they affect your appearance and cause uncomfortable symptoms. In most cases, you begin experiencing a lot of pain that can make it quite challenging to perform your daily chores, especially those that require you to navigate in your environment. For this reason, most people seek treatment options and practice home remedies to provide symptomatic relief. Therefore, you can quest for Covington varicose veins treatment, especially if you are experiencing pain and other uncomfortable symptoms, and find relief, thus allowing you to resume your activities of daily living. Some of the effective ways of treating varicose veins include:

Endothermal ablation

It is usually the first line of treatment offered after being diagnosed with varicose veins. The treatment involves using high-frequency radio waves energy or laser therapy to burn the affected veins to help seal them. Doing so diverts blood flow to other healthy veins, thus allowing the backflow of blood to the heart, and there is no more pooling of blood in your lower extremities.

Radiofrequency ablation

Radiofrequency ablation involves using radiofrequency energy to heat the walls of your varicose veins. In most cases, the damaged veins are accessed via tiny cuts often made below or above your knee. Your care provider then inserts a catheter into the vein, and a probe is inserted into the catheter. The role of the probe is to release the radiofrequency energy needed to health the walls of the damaged vein, thus making it collapse, which in turn redirects blood to flow through healthy veins.

Endovenous laser therapy

Endovenous laser therapy is similar to radiofrequency ablation, which involves inserting a catheter in the affected vein using an ultrasound guide. The laser is passed through it and placed in your varicose vein. The laser’s role is to release energy shots to heat and seal the entire vein. Of importance to note is that endovenous laser treatment is performed under general or local anesthesia to promote comfort during the procedure. You might experience tightness in the treated leg, and the treated region may be painful and bruised. In some cases, nerve damage is also possible but does not last long.


In most cases, if you are not a good candidate for endothermal ablation, your care provider may recommend sclerotherapy. This treatment involves injecting unique foam into the damaged veins to help seal and close them. The treatment is not recommended, especially if you have had deep vein thrombosis and the treatment is given under local anesthesia or when you have taken painkillers.


When all the above treatments are no longer effective, your care provider may now recommend surgery. The most common surgical procedure is ligation and stripping, removing damaged veins. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia.

You can also try some home remedies such as wearing compression stockings, exercising, dietary changes, plant extracts and essential oils, herbal remedies, elevating your legs, and massage. Practicing these home remedies provide symptomatic relief but do not cure the condition. Therefore, you can schedule your appointment at Louisiana Heart and Vascular today and receive the best medical treatment for your varicose veins, especially if you have tried various home remedies but haven’t found relief. You can also inquire whether you are a good candidate for the following and how you will benefit.