Every Thing You Need to Know About Diastema

Diastema is the gap among teeth that negatively influence the teeth’ appearance. Diastema is more common in kids and could be treated over time when the prominent teeth grow. Diastema is not a threat to teeth but can cause gum diseases. If your child is diagnosed with Diastema, do not concern, but it is good to visit a pediatric dentist for some instruction to prevent any gum issues. Fortunately, there are many ways to fix Diastema in adults.

The Causes of Diastema

According to a top dentist in Orangeville, however, most have crowded teeth issues, and some have Diastema. Diastema is mainly inherited and related to your genetics. There is no way to prevent Diastema. People with periodontal disease are more prone to get Diastema. Periodontal disease destroys the bone structure. When the bone structure is weak, teeth start to create a gap which causes Diastema. Another reason is the size of your teeth. You see some distance if your teeth are tiny for your jaws, especially in the front teeth. Also, missing teeth can be developed a gap would appear among your teeth. The dentist should diagnose and solve the origin of the issue, or the gap will reappear.

What Are The Treatment for Diastema?

If you have Diastema and the gap between your teeth is bothering you when speaking, it is time to visit your dentist and consult the issue for the proper treatment. Suppose the Diastema occurs as a result of periodontal disease. In that case, you should treat your gum disease first so the dentist will clean the bacteria beneath your gum or prescribe antibiotics (mouth rinse or gel containing antibiotics. Dental bonding, orthodontics, dental bridges, dental crowns, and dental veneers can change the teeth’ position or fill the gap among them.

What Should I Do to Close My Child Diastema?

The above question is one of the most frequent questions that parents ask from a pediatric dentist. Diastema is very common below the age of 7. As we said, it usually disappears as they get older (at the age of 8 or 9), but if there is any symptom of gum disease or tongue hyperactivity should be treated an early age. If the Diastema lasts longer, the pediatric dentist will remove the tissue that created the gap.

 top dentist in Orangeville

How Long Does It Take to Cure Diastema?

Depending on the origin and type of the Diastema, the treatment can take longer. The dentist can often close the gap over six months by using braces. He may extract or move the extra teeth. Invisalign is practical and comfortable. They have many fans since they are invisible and do not change the appearance of your teeth. Dental bonding is more beneficial for those with Diastema due to tiny teeth. For using dental bonding, the teeth should be in a proper position. So the patient needs to have orthodontic treatment before that, making the process even longer. Retainers prevent the gaps from reappearing in such cases. Aligned teeth have a crucial impact on your oral hygiene.