Elbow Pain in Scottsdale: What Causes It and How to Treat It

Elbow pain can develop due to different causes. While your elbow can endure daily movement, pain in this part of your arm can make it hard to carry out certain tasks that involve the arms. 

Elbow pain can result from different conditions such as tendinitis. Tendinitis-related elbow pain scottsdale tends to travel from your elbow to your upper or lower arm. Usually, repetitive movements or overuse is to blame for this problem. Tendinitis usually develops due to activities like gardening and playing baseball or overusing the arm and wrist. 

Causes of Elbow Pain

Elbow pain can also result from the following conditions:

  • Arthritis. Arthritis occurs due to cartilage inflammation or degeneration. The cartilage allows for the smooth movement of joints and absorption of joint pressure whenever you move. 
  • Bursitis. This condition develops when the bursa is inflamed and swollen. Usually, it occurs because of excess weight and overuse. Bursa prevents your bones, tendons, and muscles from damage. You can suffer from bursitis because of an infection, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • Frozen shoulder. This condition happens when shoulder pain and stiffness lasts for several months or years. Those who experience this condition usually deal with elbow pain and are often recommended to take pain medications or perform certain exercises. 

Eliminating Elbow Pain

 The following is the first line of treatment for elbow pain. If the pain persists, it’s best to contact your doctor right away:

  • Rest. If your elbow pain results from overused elbow muscles, you must not flex your wrist or extend your elbow.
  • Heat therapy. Heat allows for the smooth supply of nutrients and blood to your elbow. Before you put on a heating pad, make sure you use a thin cloth to protect your skin.
  • Bracing. By wearing a brace, your elbow muscles are kept still and allowed to heal. The right brace immobilizes the affected elbow muscles.

Determining the Seriousness of Your Elbow Pain

Elbow pain is not usually due to a serious problem. But you must see a doctor for elbow pain if you have tendinitis. This is particularly vital if at-home care doesn’t give you relief. Also, see a doctor if you experience elbow pain as a result of an injury. Visit a doctor if your elbow pain is accompanied by a locked elbow.