6 Quick and Effective Recovery Tips After Root Canal Treatment 

A root canal treatment is a popular dental procedure that relieves the excruciating pain caused by an abscessed or infected tooth. The treatment is recommended when germs and bacterias accumulate inside the tooth pulp, causing infection. Though during the procedure, the patient is under the effects of anesthesia, making it a painless journey. But after the treatment, patients go through a tough time and severe dental pain.  

If you’re also considering a root canal el paso treatment, you should know these six quick and effective recovery tips to accelerate your recovery process. 

Let’s dive in! 

6 Quick And Effective Recovery Tips After Root Canal Treatment 

Here are the top 6 quick and effective recovery tips post the root canal treatment: 

1. Avoid Solid Food Right Away 

Avoid eating solids right after the root canal treatment, especially until the numbness is gone completely. Solid food may cause unnecessary pressure on the teeth and gums, leading to dental problems. Post a few hours of the procedure, you can have a small bowl of soup, a glass of juice, or other liquids. 

2. Take Proper Sleep 

Once you have got your root canal treatment, it is best to take proper sleep and rest as your body needs to heal. Due to anesthesia, you might feel a little dizzy or heavy, so be mindful. As soon as the anesthesia effects lower down, you will start experiencing pain sensations. Thus, taking 3-4 hours of sound sleep during the procedure is recommended. 

3. Eat Ice Creams 

After root canal treatment, ice creams are an excellent choice as they provide a soothing sensation to the infected area. It eliminates pain and offers great relief. 

4. Elevate Your Head 

Once your procedure is done, you might experience a little pain and swelling around the mouth area. To minimize this condition, try to place your head in an elevated position. It will cure numbness, swelling, and discomfort. Try using a pillow while sleeping. 

5. Avoid Alcohol And Tobacco 

Consuming alcohol or tobacco is a big NO for at least a week post the root canal procedure. Tobacco contains nicotine which impacts the blood flow, resulting in bleeding problems after the procedure. Drinking and smoking habits tend to slow down the overall recovery process and instead create more problems. 

6. Gargle With Warm Salt Water 

One of the major risk factors post root canal treatment is infection in the gums. It causes considerable pain; thus, gargling with warm salt water is suggested to avoid such dental problems. Regularly gargling will eliminate bacteria, keeping your mouth fresh and germ-free to continue your recovery. 

Wrapping Up! 

Root canal treatment is a non-invasive dental treatment that requires proper care once it’s done. This treatment makes it easier to remove the infected tooth without any future complications.