5 Fat Burning Reasons to Get the Emsculpt Procedure

Many body sculpting procedures address areas of fat buildup, often ignoring the underlying muscle. For a more defined figure, Emsculpt treatments combine muscle building and fat reduction. The procedure will not help you lose a lot of weight, but it can contour your body and give you a more distinct muscle tone. Downey Emsculpt breaks down fat through radiofrequency and uses electromagnetic (HIFEM+) energy to promote muscle contractions. In turn, these contractions cause your muscles to grow stronger and thicker. Here is a look at five reasons you should consider this procedure.

Non-Invasive Approach

Emsculpt treatments are completely non-invasive, helping you burn fat in about four 30-minute sessions with little to no recovery. This convenience makes them very popular, especially compared to more invasive treatments. Unlike liposuctions, tummy tucks, and butt implant surgeries, Emsculpt does not involve incisions or general anesthesia. This means it offers less risk of extensive tissue damage, bleeding, infection, or scarring. Emsculpt does not affect your skin at all.

Toned Abs

When women conceive, their abdomens often expand to accommodate the growing fetus. This condition, called diastasis recti, can persist even after delivery, causing a protruding or drooping belly. Emsculpt treatments can address this and other causes of a distended belly. The focused electromagnetic energy strengthens and tightens your abdominal muscles, creating a more toned look. In fact, recent studies show that Emsculpt reduces abdominal fat by 18 percent and thickens your abdominal muscles by 15 percent – all very impressive for a non-invasive treatment.

Increased Metabolism

The synchronized energy produced during Emsculpt treatments works to restructure your muscle tone completely. It can also boost your metabolism, allowing your body to continue to burn fat and remain lean even after the treatments have stopped. Most recently, several clinical studies found that previous patients continued to experience results after the four recommended Emsculpt sessions. Some patients even reported increased strength and stamina at the gym following the procedure.

Fast Treatments and Results

As mentioned earlier, Emsculpt treatments last about 30 minutes per session, with a complete course of treatment involving four sessions. This means you can step into your provider’s office during your lunch break, get the treatment, and resume your activities immediately after. Moreover, the entire treatment lasts between two to three weeks, and you may begin to see results after the first session.

Improved Injury Prevention and Recovery

Emsculpt treatments thicken and strengthen your muscles. In addition to making you appear more toned, this can make your muscles less vulnerable to injury. It can also help them heal faster. Usually, some doctors combine this treatment with physical therapy to promote injury recovery. Emsculpt treatments can also strengthen your core, protecting you from injury as you exercise.

Get Closer to Your Body Goals with Emsculpt

Emsculpt treatments address both fat deposits and your muscles to produce a more defined and shapely silhouette. They destroy fat while also strengthening and increasing your muscle mass. Essentially, you can only achieve similar results following months of intense workouts at the gym – Emsculpt eliminates the need for this. You may be a good candidate for this treatment if you already work out but need to boost your results. Contact a provider near you to learn more about what to expect from Emsculpt.