5 Common Tests Performed During a Physical Exam

A physical exam is one of the most important parts of your health care. It can help identify potential health problems, the cause of your symptoms, and the severity of your condition. During this process, your doctor will perform several tests that can provide a faster diagnosis for your condition. If the tests turn out negative, they can provide preventative measures to keep your health in check. If you wish to improve your health status and reduce your risk of developing a chronic condition, consider getting an annual physical exam. Learn more about six common tests that a physical exams Greensboro practitioner can conduct to improve our overall health.

How Do You Prepare for the Physical Exam Tests?

Before your annual physical examination, discuss with your doctor about potential allergies, current medications, recent lab tests, and device cards such as the pacemaker. Also, ensure to write down your personal contact information, such as phone number, name, and home or business address. You can also ask questions about what to expect during the following physical exam tests.

  1. Screening Tests

There are various screening tests for both men and women. Depending on your gender, your doctor might perform various screening tests such as pelvic and breast examinations, mammograms, pap smears, testicular exams, and cholesterol tests. However, several common tests can be performed for both men and women, including colon and lung cancer, diabetes, depression, HIV, and STI screenings. 

  1. Neurological Tests

A neurologic examination test is a crucial part of the physical exam. Your doctor often performs it before other tests because it can be a screening tool for many conditions. It involves checking for subtle changes in nerve function that might be missed during an initial evaluation. A neurological test can help determine serious health problems that might later become life-threatening.

  1. Vital Signs Tests

Vital signs are the body’s most basic functions to help detect an underlying health issue before conducting any major tests. Vital signs tests include blood pressure, pulse, and respiratory. If your blood pressure is below or above the normal range, your doctor might recommend various medications such as ACE inhibitors or beta blockers. They will also advise you on healthy lifestyle modifications that can help keep your blood pressure at a normal range.

  1. Laboratory Tests

Laboratory tests include blood and panel tests. Your doctor may draw blood from your arm to check your blood sugar, cholesterol, and other levels. A blood test can also help determine your blood count levels, which can help detect disorders and evaluate your overall health. On the other hand, the panel test checks your blood plasma to detect issues in your kidneys, immune system, blood chemistry, and liver. 

  1. Vision and Hearing Tests

The eye exam is among the most important parts of a physical exam. It involves a visual acuity and field test. The visual acuity test measures how clear an object looks to the patient, while the latter determines whether light enters each eye equally. Hearing screening tests are simple procedures that are performed in a quiet room. Your doctor talks to you and asks you to repeat the words they say. This test is done by placing an audiometer device near your ear to detect hearing loss before it becomes severe.

You can greatly benefit from annual physical exams, especially if you have symptoms of an underlying health condition. However, visiting your doctor at least every six months is always recommended for your health. If you wish to undertake a physical exam, contact Triad Primary Care. You can also request an appointment online to peak at your overall health.