Understanding Dental Implants

Dental implants are a surgical procedure of replacing or fixing jawbones. The system also involves the replacement of missing teeth or teeth. The procedure helps infusion of the tooth most naturally without affecting the teeth near the damaged area. Titanium is used as part of a dental implant procedure.

When Should You Get A Dental Implant Done?

An implant is usually needed when you need to replace a tooth or teeth to restore the functionality. Many people use dentures, both partial and complete, as they are cost-effective and cheapest out of all other procedures. However, they can cause discomfort and one needs to make sure that it is removed at night and maintained properly. 

This is why dental implants are the most convenient and effective procedure. The implants are supported by bones and hence do not harm the natural teeth near the affected area. However, the kind of procedure depends on many factors such as cost, kind of damage, location of injury or damage, the convenience of the patients, etc. 

What Happens In An Implant Procedure?

A detailed check-up of your teeth is what you can expect on your first visit to your dentist’s office. He or she will also do necessary scans to establish the cause and amount of damage to the tooth or teeth. Based on this the dentist will suggest the treatment and whether a dental implant is required or not. However, if the implant is required, then you will be given local anaesthesia in the area so that you do not feel the pain. 

The procedure cannot be done in one day, and hence, it requires a couple of sessions before the whole procedure is completed. You may be asked to visit the dentist after the procedure to make sure that you do develop any kind of infection. The healing of the area may take time, and hence this is supported by oral medication to improve the healing process.

After Treatment Home Care

Once your dental implants are done, you must take care of your oral hygiene. You need to regularly brush your teeth and make sure you do not develop any plaque. For this purpose, you need not visit your dentist’s office every time. Your dentist can assist you in maintaining good dental hygiene by visiting your house at regular intervals. But, to check your dental implants you need to visit the dentist at his or her clinic. In case of any emergency, you can take an appointment with an emergency dentist near your home either for a home visit or visit his or her clinic.