Signs of Marijuana Dependence and Treatment Options at Our Dallas Rehab

Despite its widespread abuse, the United States has few tools available to assist persons with marijuana abuse disorder. Marijuana use disorder affected over six million people in 2016.

Marijuana Addiction Warning Signs

If marijuana abuse is prolonged, it can have a detrimental impacts on both mental and physical health. Heavy marijuana use may lead to issues in these areas and also in one’s personal life. Some of the marijuana addiction signs include:

  • Using more or longer than intended
  • Being unable to reduce or control use
  • Looking for ways to get more marijuana
  • Having strong cravings for marijuana
  • Progressing to use despite social or interpersonal issues that are related to or made worse by use
  • Restarting use despite negative effects are some signs of marijuana addiction.

If you are currently experiencing any of the problems as mentioned above, you should think about receiving treatment for your marijuana addiction.

Does Marijuana Addiction Require Rehabilitation?

Marijuana addiction should be treated in the same way as any other drug dependence. The DSM-5 includes marijuana addiction as a diagnostic category that includes marijuana abuse, dependence, and any related behavioral disorders that may arise from chronic use of the substance. If they get counseling, an individual with a marijuana addiction can recover.

Marijuana abuse has negative short- and long-term effects, including memory loss, paranoia, and disruptions to a person’s everyday life and relationships. Several efficient therapies are available for those who are battling a marijuana addiction.

Marijuana Addiction Treatment

Marijuana Detox

Even though cannabis is not frequently seen as “addictive,” persistent users can acquire a psychological and physical tolerance to the drug. Even if they know how the drug is ruining their life, they will still find it difficult to control their desires. The treatment plan at Skyward strives for total and long-term marijuana abstinence. The patient maintains sobriety and follows a demanding treatment schedule that promotes a long-lasting behavior change. Individuals who routinely use significant quantities of cannabis can find it difficult throughout the detoxification process. Detoxification under a physician can however minimize the discomfort.

Marijuana Addiction Treatment in an Inpatient Setting

Skyward Treatment Center is Dallas’ top addiction treatment center because we provide the most outstanding therapeutic and medical care possible. We employ a therapeutic activity induction program that has been proven effective in treating cannabis and other drug addictions. Therapies such as (CBT) cognitive behavioral therapy, family therapy, and group therapy are utilized. Our comprehensive marijuana addiction treatment, which is tailored to each patient, also includes complementary therapies, including massage therapy, horse therapy, aqua therapy, and meditation.

In particular, the use of CBT has shown promising outcomes in treating cannabis addiction. With the help of cognitive behavioral therapy, a person’s attitude on life and drug use can be rearranged throughout treatment.

Our dual diagnosis treatment focuses on those who also use drugs but also have a mental health illness, such as anxiety, depression, or an eating disorder. A patient’s physical health is also restored along with their mental health via a schedule of regular exercise and nourishing meals. Our amenities, which include a gymnasium are open to everyone.