Things one must know before PRP Hair Treatments!

Male-pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is a rising concern. Up to 40 per cent of men lose almost 40 per cent of their hair even before they reach the age of 35 years that is staggering. Fortunately, we now have the technology to counter it. Let us first understand the different types of hair loss. Hair loss can be widely categorized into two types scarring and non-scar.

Simply put, non-scarring hair loss is reversible and scarring hair loss is not. Each category has multiple causes and manifests in different ways. So we need to understand what exactly the underlying causes are.

“A proper diagnosis is the major and most important step in hair transplant journey. That is why we insist on a professional diagnosis by a certified trichologist. There should be no treatment that is administered without a thorough understanding of an individual’s medical history”

                                                                                           – Dr Gajanan Jadhao

Platelet rich plasma. Nurse or woman doctor explains the generation modern method of treatment of PRP. Test tube with blood and centrifuge. Vector illustration.

Dr Gajanan Jadhao is one of the best hair transplant surgeons in Pune, India. He is a pioneer in hair transplant and has also has great expertise in hair growth treatment like PRP, Minoxidil etc. Here Dr Gajanan Jadhao explains the basics of PRP hair treatment.

Appropriate topical and medications are prescribed to control hair fall and promote hair thickening. This forms the base of treatment. Based on the results various other modalities of treatment are adopted. The next logical step would be PRP or platelet-rich plasma treatment to promote hair regrowth. This is a highly successful treatment, a natural way to boost hair growth.


What is PRP?

PRP is platelet-rich plasma therapy, in this method, we take out around 20 to 30 ml of your blood and process it in a machine. By processing, platelets will be separated from other blood cells. These are then injected onto the scale, close to your hair roots. When these platelets come in contact with your skin. They release various growth factors, present in alpha granules of platelets. This growth factors act on your hair roots making them thicker, stronger and longer.

When a person having male pattern hair loss or female pattern hair loss undergoes a PRP session. One will see a reduction in hair loss and increase in the hear density. PRP also acts by stimulation of the stem cells present around hair root. It also improves anchorage of hair to the skin by producing more extracellular matrix. It also causes neo ontogenesis, which means it produces new blood vessels around the hair follicles.

“In my clinic, we usually recommend three sections of PRP done at an interval of one month. We usually assess result after 6 months of the first session.”

After seeing the results, usually it is observed that hair fall has reduced, density will be increased and individual hair will have more strength. You will also see that hair fibers will become stronger and quality of hair will also improve.

By the end of six months, you will see successful results, in about 50 to 60% of the patients. After treatment one can maintain these results by using PRP sessions. Done at an interval of 6 to 12 months. Or if you don’t want to use PRP session. Then you can maintain your results by using 5% minoxidil lotion or finasteride tablets.

Side Effects

Coming to the side effects of PRP, it is a very safe procedure because it is made by using your own blood. Still there can be certain side effects very rarely.


Pain is the most common side effect that can happen.  During the PRP and after the PRP is done. During the PRP to reduce pain, it can be done under local anaesthesia. We also use vibrators and ice packs to reduce the pain. Sometimes some patients do require the application of numbing cream before PRP procedure to reduce pain.


Few patients developed few bumps on the skin of the scalp after the procedure. These bumps usually resolve after 2-3 days.


Infections can also happen rarely, as normally skin is cleansed using beta dine and spirit before the procedure, infection do not happen very commonly. Also, I advise my patients that whenever they are planning to get the PRP done. They should always wash the head in the morning before coming for the procedure.


Pattern baldness is as age-old as time itself but we now have new age resources to defeat it.  PRP is one of the first treatment methods one should go for hair loss. It is also much safer and effective.