Sale of medicines online and online pharmacy: Apteka Store

Thinking about the legal online pharmacy and the sale of medicines online how much remains to be done and how little is said about it. Here are some reflections.

  • Missing the so brought and taken logo that must have every legal online pharmacy.

I think there is not a pharmacy left that has not talked about the logo as if having it all the wrongs of the current pharmacy will be fixed. It is something that is talked about a lot and it is said that it is about to leave, but of which nothing is officially known. In my opinion (and I do not have the crystal ball) is still missing, basically because it is a common logo at European level, we just had elections and we all know how this is about politics.

  • Legal development for the sale of medicines through the so-called legal online pharmacy.

Whoever thinks that the Royal Decree is enough is wrong and if the legislator thinks it is to start trembling. There are too many things that have remained in the air and that need to be concretized so that there is a security in sanitary and pharmaceutical matters. It is not about putting obstacles or sticking to being on the Internet but about making a safe, informed and orderly dispensation.

Development regulations are needed and it is desirable that, from the beginning, it be a framework for all the Autonomous Communities. The online pharmacy must have security from the first moment and in all areas.

  • What (no) is known about the coexistence of the legal online pharmacy with the web pages selling Apteka store

It is not known what will happen with the websites that are currently underway for the sale of  , because they will not necessarily be as they are to sell drugs and, if possible, the most certain thing is that modifications have to be made. With this reflection I do not want to remove the desire of any pharmacist who wants to open a website because, in my opinion, you have to be online and the sooner the better, but it is important that the pharmacist is aware that if you are looking to sell online medications what is now offered will not be the final and at this point it is best to go to professionals that they know what a pharmacy is and what their legislative situation is, to avoid future surprises.

  • Other reflections

Finally, the online sale of medicines through online pharmacy will force to have some websites with important security requirements because they will treat health data, which are high protection, so it is not worth any accommodation or any developer.

This requires changes in data protection, both in the pharmacy safety document and its operating protocols and on the web, in addition to paying special attention.