Know what is Ayurveda and Ayurvedic diet

There has been tremendous progress in allopathic medicine owing to a lot of research studies and developments in technology. Even after such advancements, there are still certain diseases or challenging health conditions that cannot be addressed successfully with allopathic medicines.  Sometimes these are referred to as psychosomatic conditions. That is problems in the mind that manifest in the form of the disease in the body. Ayurveda is considered as one of the holistic healing systems that can help heal the body. It is a science-based on the principle of fostering good health and wellness by restoring the delicate balance the mind, body, and spirit. This is because according to ayurvedic science sickness is considered to be a result of the imbalance in mind, body, and spirit. Ayurvedic diet ensures that the balance is maintained at all times.

Factors that can affect the  balance

 The factors that can affect the balance  of the body, mind, and spirit include

  • Genetic defects
  •  Climate changes
  •  Seasonal changes
  •  Age
  •  Emotions
  •  Injuries.

Ayurvedic diet can be developed to suit the requirements of the individual to ensure that the balance is restored despite the factors that affect the balance. This is made possible by providing guidelines as to when to eat, what to eat and how to eat to help maintain and boost your health.

Doshas and their significance

  According to Ayurveda, a human body inherits three forces of energies.  They are referred to as Doshas. They are

  • Vata dosha–  (Space and Air)- this is believed to control the body functions as well as the division of cells. this means this dosha controls the mind, breathing, heart function, blood flow and moving of wastes out of the intestines.  
  • Pitta dosha– (fire and water)-  this dosha deals with the metabolism of the body as well as the digestion of food. It is linked to the  hormones that facilitate the process of boosting the appetite
  • Kapha dosha– (water and earth)- This dosha controls muscle growth, body strength, immunity and weight, and stability.  

An individual is considered to inherit a mix of these doshas which can vary from an individual to another.  Ayurvedic diet dictates that a person who takes food according to the dominant constitutional type or dosa in order to ensure wellness. 

Ayurvedic Diet

The essence of Ayurvedic diet lies in the process of creating and taking meals that would nourish your body and balance your energy. It is based on three aspects. 

What to eat?  

There is a list of foods that persons with each type of dosha should eat and avoid. 

How to eat?

The basic ayurvedic eating practices include

  • Ensuring the meal you take has all rasas which mean sweet, our, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent
  • You have to begin the meal with food that is sweet,  then consume food which is salty, follow it up with sour food, pungent and astringent food and finish with food that tastes bitter.
  • Ensuring that you eat mindfully, concentrating  on the meal
  • Eating slowly
  • Eating quality food 
  • Eating quickly enough so that the food does not get cold.
  • Eating the right quantity of food

   When to eat? 

Eating only when you feel hungry.  Ayurvedic practitioners suggest that you do not eat within three hours after you take meal or snack. However, it is also advocated that you do not go without food for a period that lasts for over 6 hours. 

You need to determine the dominant dosha in order to follow an ayurvedic diet plan. For this, you have got to consult an ayurveda practitioner.